Ripon Dog Park
How You Can Help
Do you and your dog enjoy the Ripon Dog Park?
Would you consider helping out with the cost of maintenance and improvements?

If so, please consider a monetary donation.  The dog park is maintained by donations and volunteer help.  Your help and donations will keep this dog park open.  There is a donations box at the park that is is emptied every evening.  Or send your donation to the address below.
Thank you for the donations and help!

Make checks payable to
Friends of the Ripon Dog Park
Mail to:
Elizabeth Olson-Treasurer
Friends of the Ripon Dog Park
709 Thorne Street
Ripon, WI   54971

The Rules
Our Members
How You Can Help
Contact Us
Pictures Of The Park
We have a wonderful park in Ripon and that is largely because of great community support and donations.  To all who contribute either by mail or anonymous donations, thank you!